Donnie Darko: 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray + DVD Combo Review

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Donnie Darko: 10th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray + DVD Combo Review

Synopsis: In the tradition of "Urban Legends" and "Final Destination," "Donnie Darko" is an edgy, psychological thriller about a suburban teen coming face-to-face wit his dark destiny. Jake Gyllenhaal leads a star-filled cast (including Drew Barrymore, Noah Wyle, Jena Malone, Patrick Swayze and Mary McDonnell) as a delusional high-school student visited by a demonic rabbit with eerie visions of the past - and deadly predictions for the future. This "excitingly original" (Entertainment Weekly) nail-biter will keep you on the edge of your seat until the mind-bending climax.

Review: Donnie Darko is a phenominal film.  Its in our top ten of all-time, in fact.  The film has been very misunderstood and is rather difficult to grasp if you don't understand quantum physics.  A lot of people think its a dream and a thousand other theories, its actually very simple..its the theory of the wormhole and the reality that time doesn't exist.  This is one of the best films of all time.  If you already own the DVD or Blu-Ray, then this is nothing much new, but it is a nice way to consolidate your extras into one release.  If you don't yet own this film, this is the ultimate edition and a must-have!

The special features include: Audio Commentary, Behind The Scenes Featurette, Biographies, Deleted Scenes, Interviews, Original Theatrical Trailer, Photo Gallery.  "They Made Me Do It Too: The Cult of Donnie Darko"; "#1 Fan: A Darkomentary".

Interest Range: Fantasy, Sci-Fi


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