The Man With No Name Trilogy Blu-Ray Review

The Man With No Name Trilogy Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Sergio Leone's trilogy of operatic spaghetti Westerns with Clint Eastwood made the former television star into an international sensation as the scraggly, silent Man with No Name, a wandering rogue with a scheming mind and a sense of humor drier than the dusty, wind-scoured desert. The first in the collection, A Fistful of Dollars, a unique take on Kurosawa's cynical samurai hit Yojimbo, reveals the transformation of the Western hero into a crafty mercenary. The follow-up, For a Few Dollars More, teams Eastwood up in an uneasy alliance with Lee Van Cleef (High Noon) in a tale of revenge. But the masterpiece of the set is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, an epic scramble for buried gold set against the violence of the Civil War. In this film good is a relative term as three criminals make a series of tenuous partnerships broken in double-crosses and betrayals in Leone's epic vision of the American southwest as endless deserts and clapboard towns infested with gunmen.

Review: We're big fans of Clint Eastwood here at the Legion.  There are no better examples of his western work than the three films included in the Man With No Name trilogy!  The films include a Fistful of Dollars, A Few Dollars More and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.   These three are a trifecta of absolute genius.

These three films are as rugged and action-packed as they are dramatic and artistic.  They are so masterfully crafted and executed that you get lost in each film.  These movies define great western and most certainly provide a great stage for Eastwood.  

To get these on blu-ray is a wonderful treat.  The transfer looks great, considering the age of these films.  This is definately a set worth owning.

Interest Range: Clint Eastwood, Westerns, Action / Adventure


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