Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Blu-Ray Review

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Following a lengthy prison term, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) finds himself on the outside looking in at a world he once commanded. Hoping to repair his relationship with his daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), Gekko forges an alliance with her fiancé, Jake (Shia LaBeouf). But Winnie and Jake learn the hard way that Gekko is still a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to reclaim his rightful place at the top of Wall Street.

Review: Wall Street is one of those epic films from the 1980s that has not only held-up in quality, but has never really been forgotten.  Its a cult classic of sorts and so when Money Never Sleeps was announced I put aside my usual groan when a sequel is developed decades too late and gave it a fair whirl.   The world of sequels is a dodgey one, because it can be a lot of fun to see what happens after the events in the first film to characters that you're invested in.  On the other hand, it can end up being a thinly veiled remake of the original.  Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is certainly not that type of sequel.

This film is a fantastic follow-up to a great story.  You get to see how characters evolved and we get to further analyze the character of Gekko.  This is especially interesting, because some peopel grow and seek redemption in their older age.  The main question of this film becomes...is that what Gekko is doing, or is he up to something more nefarious than ever?  Overall a great film full of remarkable twists.

The extras on this blu-ray collector's edition include: Commentary by Director Oliver Stone, A Conversation with Oliver Stone and the Cast of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Money, Money, Money: The Rise and Fall of Wall Street and Deleted and Extended Scenes.

Interest Range: Drama, Sequel


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