Red Hill Blu-Ray Review

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Red Hill Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Constable Shane Cooper (Ryan Kwanten, TV's "True Blood") arrives in the small town of Red Hill in search of a quieter life. But, on Cooper's first day with the Red Hill Police Department, a convicted murderer escapes from prison and heads straight for Red Hill to kill the men who put him there. One by one, the townsmen fall until Cooper discovers the shocking truth about the convict, and must challenge everything he believes in order to stop the massacre and bring justice to Red Hill.

Review: Red Hill is a new action/adventure flick that takes place in Australia ala Mad Max.  The film is about a lawman that comes to town with his pregnant wife.  Insanity ensues and we get a slasher/ultra-violence soon to be cult epic that kicks your ass from start to finish.

I honestly wasn't prepared for Red Hill.  This film is tough with a capital T!  Its intense and full of energy and often times just a little over the line.  Its definately a unique watch and worth your time.

Interest Range: Action/Adventure, Suspense


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