Arrow Season 2 Blu-Ray Review

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Arrow Season 2 Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Starling City has been torn apart by the Undertaking, so the need for the hooded vigilante - now known as "The Arrow" - is more urgent than ever in the explosive second season of the hit action series based on DC Comics' "Green Arrow". After retreating to the island on which he was once stranded, Oliver Queen returns to protect his mother, sister and besieged company, but comes to realize that allies and enemies have switched sides, and the stranglehold of evil on family, friends and city is diabolically linked to his fateful shipwreck. A once-tight comrade-at-arms and a strength-enhancing, yet mind-warping serum may prove to be the mightiest adversaries "The Arrow" has ever encountered. Can justice find its target in this breathlessly exciting, 23-episode Season Two? Or will all fall before the fury of Deathstroke.

Review:  Arrow began strong with the first season, but this second season was really the test of whether or not the show could pull together and move past the initial concept with the huge finale.  Not only did Arrow move forward, but it improved upon itself!  This is the first superhero show that I would recommend to anyone..these guys do it right!   This is one of my favorite shows and the second season amps it up with the impending confrontation with Slade and tons of twists turns and reveals.  Each and every episode is worth watching and builds the ongoing narrative to the epic finale that has us begging for season three!

Special features: Three New Featurettes: "From Vigilante to 'Green Arrow'" - Documentary highlighting Oliver Queen's journey from fighting injustices to becoming Sterling City's accepted savior; "How Did They Do That?! Action & FX" - Explores how Season 2 has raised the bar for action and FX; showing how the creators can make anything the writers dream up come to life; "Wirework: The Impossible Moves of Arrow" - See how the intense and elaborate fight sequences are shot for maximum realism; Episode Commentary; Deleted Scenes; Gag Reel.

Interest Range: Action, Comic Books, TV Shows


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