Sons of Anarchy: Season 7 Blu-Ray Review

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Sons of Anarchy: Season 7 Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Complete your collection and relive the heart-pounding adrenaline rush of the final season of Kurt Sutter's explosive outlaw-biker saga, "Sons of Anarchy." Reeling from the death of the woman he loves, Jax Teller steers SAMCRO full-throttle down the hell-bound road to revenge, allowing nothing to stand in his way. The streets of Charming run red with blood as shifting alliances and fatal mistakes lead to chaos, betrayal, and all-out murder. The body count soars, and dark secrets give way to darker truths, until the only question remaining is who will live... and who will die.

Review: Sons of Anarchy is without a doubt one of the best shows on television.  The series has gone through a flux that started with a rough and violent biker gang, full of deception and betrayl with an underlying current of brotherhood to a fractured shell of what it once was.  I'm a huge fan of this series, but I must say that the final ride came at the right time.  

This final season finds Jax hunting for Tara's killer, all the while his mother is weaving webs and hiding Juice.  We get a nice peppering of violence this season, which is refreshing, along with neo-nazis, Courtney Love and more.  This is an epic show and you can't miss watching and owning the final wrap-up.  Its not the best season of the series, but its still a must have.

The blu-ray extras include: Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, Featurettes: "Carpe Diem: The Final Season of 'Sons of Anarchy'", "Anarchy Legacy", "Bikes of 'Sons of Anarchy': Motorcycles of Mayhem", "Season 7 Guest Stars".

Interest Range: Action, Drama, TV series


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