Temple Grandin DVD Review

Temple Grandin DVD Review

Synopsis: Based on the writings by its title subject, HBO Films’ Temple Grandin is an engaging portrait of an autistic young woman who became, through timely mentoring and sheer force of will, one of America’s most remarkable success stories.

Review: HBO is infamous for creating great television and original movies.  In the biopic of Temple Grandin we get something that is touching, charasmatic and captivating.  Claire Daines portrays the best selling author and her life-long struggle with Autism.  A widely known, but rarely understood disorder in our country.  Grandin's mother was told that she would never speak or amount to anything in life, but they showed everyone through determination and hard work.  Grandin eventually became quite successful.

The film features Daines in one of her best roles yet, in my opinion.  She plays the autism up just enough without becoming a cartoon.  She treads the line of endearing and disturbed so well that you can't help but feel emotionally connected to her.  The struggle to fit in and the reactions of those around her only add to the emotional depth of the film.   I was truly blown away by this one.

The DVD special features include Commentary by Dr. Temple Grandin, director Mick Jackson, and writer Christopher Monger and The Making of Temple Grandin.

Interest Range: Drama, Biopic


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