Melancholia Blu-Ray Review

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Melancholia Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael (Alexander SkarsgÄrd) celebrate their marriage at a sumptuous party in the home of Justine's sister Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and brother-in-law John (Kiefer Sutherland). Despite Claire's best efforts, the wedding is a fiasco with family tensions mounting and relationships fraying. Meanwhile, a planet called Melancholia is heading directly towards Earth threatening the very existence of humankind...

Review: I'm going to start out by saying that this film is a HUGE bummer, so beware, lol.  If you're into very in-depth, dark, psychological drama, then this one is for you.  Lars Von Trier brings us his vision of a world full of depression and loathing.  The scenery is beautiful and the filmmaking absolutely innovative and unique.  Rest assured, this is nothing like anything you've ever seen before, and that fact alone makes it well worth the watch.  Prepare to be challenged.

Interest Range: Drama


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