Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Blu-Ray Review

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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance - Nicolas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze - still struggling with his curse as the devil's bounty hunter - is hiding out in a remote part of Eastern Europe when he is recruited by a secret sect of the church to save a young boy (Fergus Riordan) from the devil (Ciaran Hinds). At first, Johnny is reluctant to embrace the power of the Ghost Rider, but it is the only way to protect the boy - and possibly rid himself of his curse forever.

Review: I wasn't a huge fan of the original Ghost Rider film.  I did enjoy the comics in the past, but I just wasn't big on the adaptation.  They came back stronger the second time around with an all-out action bash!  Spirit of Vengeance is a huge step-up from the initial film and Cage's attitude is all brand new.  He's angry and snarky about his fate and it really brings a fun edge to Johnny Blaze.   I know this one got some slack from fans for being a bit vapid, but thats what I'm looking for from a character like this one..there isn't a deep story to be had, just some head-bashing popcorn munching fun.

Interest Range: Action, Drama, Marvel Comics


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