Alice: Season 1 DVD Review

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Alice: Season 1 DVD Review

Synopsis: Sensuality and drama intertwine in a breathtaking and humorous story. Alice is a 26 year-old woman that lives a simple life in Palmas, a region of northern Brazil. After four years of dating Henrique, they decide to move in together, but her father’s unexpected death changes everything, taking Alice all the way to Sao Paulo, where she gathers with her stepmother, aunt, and sister. Alice stays longer than planned, and she finds new loves and friends, awakening to a brand new world. In the middle of urban chaos, Alice re-discovers the city, her country, and ultimately, herself.

Review: HBO Latin is infamous for having some fantastic original programming and Alice is no exception.  The show came from Brazil and features a young woman that travels to Sao Paulo after her father's death.  The story that ensues watches her unravel and destroy everything in her life.  Its a riveting show and Alice is so charming, she just draws you right in.  A great watch.

Interest Range: HBO Latin America


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