Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil [Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo] Review

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Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil [Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo] Review

Synopsis: The good... the bad... the Twitchy. The sequel finds our heroine, Red (Hayden Panettiere), training with a mysterious covert group called the Sisters of the Hood. But Red is forced to cut her training short when she gets an urgent call from Nicky Flippers (David Ogden Stiers), the head of the super secret Happily Ever After Agency, aka the HEA. A wicked witch (Joan Cusack) has abducted two innocent children, Hansel (Bill Hader) and Gretel (Amy Poehler), and Nicky needs the whole Hoodwinked gang -- Red, Granny (Glenn Close), the ever-clueless Wolf (Patrick Warburton) and his over-caffeinated little partner, Twitchy (Cory Edwards) -- for the search and rescue mission.

Review: Hoodwinked was a fantastic children's movie that came out years ago.  It focused on fairytale characters, much like the Shrek series.  The first one was great, but does the sequel hold-up?  It didn't do well at the box office, thats for sure.  It only made about a third of its budget back!  Will it be a success at home video?  I think so.  The film does replace its lead character "Red" (Little Red Riding Hood) with a new voice actress, but despite this, the film is equally as fun and goofy as the first one.  My kids all loved this one and it was a pleasure for mom and dad too.  We recommend it on blu-ray + DVD combo, so you can let the kids tear the DVD apart and keep the blu-ray for the family!

Interest Range: Animation


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