I Melt With You Blu-Ray Review

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I Melt With You Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Richard (Thomas Jane), Ron (Jeremy Piven), Jonathan (Rob Lowe), and Tim (Christian McKay) are friends from college who gather each year for a hardcore weekend of partying. As the weekend progresses, fueled by sex, drugs, and rock n roll, their reunion drives them to an unexpected place where each is forced to confront himself and the choices he's made in his life.

Review:  What first drew me to I Melt With You was the stellar cast.  What kept me watching was the dark, twisted nature of this fantastic look into middle-aged life.  What happens when you can't shed the demons of your youth?  What happens with you're middle aged and you've screwed it all up. This film is poetic, dramatic and an absolute must see!

The special features on this blu-ray include: Commentary with Director, Lowe and Piven, Commentary with Director, Co-Writer and Director of Photography, Director’s Statement , Deleted Scenes, Behind the Scenes, HDNet: A Look at, Interview with Piven; Piven Mood Piece, Thomas Jane Teaser, Director's Behind the Scenes Photo Gallery, Alternate Theatrical Poster Gallery, Redband Trailer, Greenband Trailer, International Trailer and Interview with Director.

Interest Range: Drama


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