The Dead Blu-Ray Review

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The Dead Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: After crashing off the coast, Lt. Brian Murphy battles for survival across the vast terrains of Africa in search for a way to get back to his beloved family. Joined by local military man Daniel Dembele, who is also searching for his son, both men join forces, all the while battling against the ever-present threat of the living dead!

Review: This one is touted as "the best zombie movie of the year".  How many zombie movies have really come out this year?  I know the genre has gotten all trendy.  In fact, its replaced vampires as the posh go-to monster.  Sigh.  Those of us that have been with zombies since back in the day will be able to appreciate the sheer monstrosity of the reality created within 'The Dead'.  This film takes a fresh angle at the epicdemic by exploring its ramifications in another part of the world, outside of the cityscape.  This one is a great watch for any fan.  The gore is there..the action is all around.

Interest Range: Horror, Suspense


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