Warriors Of the Rainbow Blu-Ray Review

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Warriors Of the Rainbow Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Produced by John Woo, In the mountains of Taiwan, two races clashed in defense of their faiths. One believed in rainbows, the other believed in the sun. Neither side realized they both believed in the same sky. Wei Te-Sheng's epic film WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE retells an extraordinary episode from 20th-century history which is little-known, even in Taiwan. Between 1895 and 1945, a Japanese colony inhabited the island and subdued the aboriginal tribes who first settled the land. Seediq leader Mouna Rudo (Lin Ching-Tai) forged a coalition with other tribal leaders and plotted a rebellion against their Japanese colonial masters. The initial uprising took the Japanese by surprise, but they soon sent in their army to crush the rebellion, using aircraft and poison gas. The most expensive Taiwanese film ever made, WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE is written and directed by Wei Te-Sheng, whose romantic comedy CAPE NO. 7 received numerous awards and accolades.

Review:  Warriors of the Rainbow is a stunning historical drama regarding this history of Taiwain and the struggles between the Japanese and Chinese on the island.  The action is choppy at times, with the film not being able to make up its mind what direction to go, but that could be due to the fact that this is a trimmed down version of the film for the United States.  The blu-ray has amazing scenery and backround that provide a wonderful backdrop to an epic battle film the likes of 300 and Braveheart!

The special features include: DVD Extras, Interviews w/ Director Wei Te-Sheng and Producer John Woo, Making Of, Make Up and Visual Effects, The Epic Journey of the Warriors Short, Behind the Scenes and English Subtitles

Interest Range: Action


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