High School Blu-Ray Review

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High School Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: The day after valedictorian Henry Burke (Matt Bush) takes his very first hit of the chronic his school principal (Michael Chiklis) institutes mandatory drug tests for all students. Henry has two options: fail and lose his college scholarship, or team up with his stoner friend Breaux (Sean Marquette) to beat the system. After all, if everyone fails the drug test, then no one will be expelled, right? What could possibly go wrong when you steal a psycho drug dealer's stash to get the whole school high?

Review: Ok, when you look at this movie you're thinking stoner comedy, right?  And you're also thinking that you've seen enough of those to last you a lifetime, right?  Well, at least thats what I was thinking...until I saw this one.  Whats so different about this film?  Well, everything to be perfectly honest.  The plot is unique..the cast is all-star and the film is just plain funny.  You don't have to be into stoner comedies to "get" this one...this one is just a great stand-alone comedy.  We highly recommend it. Groan!

Interest Range: Comedy


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