Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Blu-Ray Review

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Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Keanu Reeves (The Matrix) and Alex Winter (The Lost Boys) star in this outrageous comedy about two ditzy dudes from San Dimas, California. Bill (Winter) and Ted (Reeves) spent so much time forming their rock band, The Wyld Stallyns, that they're flunking history. A guardian angel from the future, Rufus (Carlin) come to them with a bodacious solution: a time traveling phone booth to take them into the past to learn from history's most influential people. Their journey turns out to be a blast...but will they learn enough to pass their class?

Review: I'm not going to be coy here...Bill and Ted is one of my favorite movies of all time.  I freakin' love this movie.  I ate the cereal.. I watched the crappy TV show..I watched the great cartoon...I had the toys (still do) and I even have the trading cards.  I tied my flannel around my waist and talked like an idiot.  I still air guitar.  Thats right, I'm THAT guy.  So, when I heard that the seminol first film was coming to blu-ray I was instantly nervous.  I have seen SO many bad 80s film transfers onto "high-definition" that are just grainy crap.  I was BLOWN AWAY by the transfer on this one.   Its clean, clear and the color pops.  There is no grain whatsoever..the film just looks amazing.  I cannot recommend this release enough!  Its (wait for it) EXCELLENT!

Interest Range: Comedy


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