The Ledge Blu-Ray Review

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The Ledge Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: Gavin (Charlie Hunnam, Cold Mountain) is on the ledge.  Hollis (Terrence Howard, Crash), who just learned that he is not the biological father of his children, is tasked with talking Gavin down.  Their conversation eventually reveals Gavin s deep-rooted conflict with his fundamentalist Christian neighbor Joe (Patrick Wilson, Watchmen), whose theological opposition to Gavin was intensified by Gavin s gay roommate and later by Joe s wife's infidelity. The negotiations take a drastic turn when Hollis learns that Gavin has a deadline, and his life is not the only one hanging in the balance.  Writer/director Matthew Chapman (Runaway Jury) returns after a long hiatus to helm this unpredictable thriller that asks challenging questions about faith and reason; the nature of belief; and the value of human life.

Review: The Ledge is without a doubt one of the most powerful and topical movies I've seen in some time.  This one is heavy, so if you're sensitive to religious and social issues, this may be too much for you!  This film centers on a backdrop of gay rights..infidelity....the ignorance of fundamentalist really brings this grouping of characters through what is without a doubt a day in the life for many.   The fact remains that there are those living their life and there are those trying to live everyone else's lives for them!  The Ledge does a great job of driving concepts home without creating a clear villain...although Joe really comes off badly!  This one is definately a film that will get you thinking and talking!

Interest Range: Drama


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