Square Grouper: Godfathers of Ganja DVD Review

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Square Grouper: Godfathers of Ganja DVD Review

Synopsis: In 1979, the U.S. Customs Service reported that 87% of all marijuana seizures in the U.S. were made in the South Florida area. Due to the region's 5,000 miles of coast and coastal waterways and close proximity to the Caribbean and Latin America, South Florida was a pot smuggler's paradise. In sharp contrast to the brazenly violent cocaine cowboys of the 1980s, Miami's marijuana smugglers were cooler, calmer, and typically nonviolent. Square Grouper paints a vivid portrait of Miami's pot smuggling culture in the '70s and '80s and its major players: the smuggling Black Tuna Gang, the pot dealing Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and the tiny fishing village Everglades City.

Review: This is another great documentary from the creator of "Cocaine Cowboys", Billy Corben.  The pacing in this documentary about marijuana smuggling in Florida is at a much more mellow pace...and appropriately so!  There are three different stories involved and they're presented with a lot of imagination and creativity.  The focus is on the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church, the Black Tuna Gang and the small town of Everglade City.  The only downside to this film is the country music score.  Its a little strange considering the subject matter.

There are a few cool special features, including a Touring Ten Thousand Islands featurette, deleted scenes, and a bit about the songs of the film.

Interest Range: Documentary


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