Teen Wolf Blu-Ray Review

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Teen Wolf Blu-Ray Review


Synopsis: The new star of a high-school basketball team has red eyes, fangs and lots of hair. Stars Robyn Lively, James Hampton, Scott Paulin, Susan Ursitti, et al
Scott Howard thought he was an ordinary teenager. But he soon realized, he's anything but average. The high school basketball player has noticed his body going through pretty odd physical changes. Growing excessive hair on his hands, ears and back has made Scott a little nervous. But rather than fight these werewolf tendencies he's gonna make the most of them. Who knows, they might just make life at school a little easier.

A young teenager who yearns to be "different" gets his wish when he becomes the coolest "wolf" in town.
Review: Teen Wolf was one of the films that made Michael J. Fox a movie star.  Though he only starred in the original, not the following sequel "Teen Wolf Too", he definately left his mark on this one with his trademark charm and boyish looks.  Lets face it his likability factor is off the charts.  I mean c'mon, the guy surfs on top of a van.  Sweeet!, right?  Now to the main point of this one..the high-definition transfer!   The picture looks great for how old the film actually is.  There is very little grain and the color pops well.  The sound is also quite good.  Definately worth the buy for any fan.  The only extra is the trailer and a preview of MTV's terrible looking Teen Wolf remake movie!

Interest Range: 80s Classics


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