Americano Blu-Ray Review

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Americano Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: After receiving news of his mother's death, Martin (Mathieu Demy) leaves his girlfriend (Chiara Mastroianni) and home in Paris and sets off for Los Angeles to tie up the loose ends of his rocky maternal relationship. Arriving in the United States, Martin is greeted by his mother's best friend Linda (Geraldine Chaplin), who agrees to help him settle his late mother's affairs. As Martin digs deeper into his mother's past, he discovers she had a hidden relationship with a beautiful woman named Lola (Salma Hayek), who he finds at a seedy strip club in Tijuana called the Americano. As Lola recounts her affair with his mother, Martin discovers there may have been more than he ever hoped to know about his mother's sordid past and his own problems with commitment.

Review: Americano is an interesting film.  I wasn't sure what was going to get with this one, but I ended up enjoying a unique film about identity, family and secrets.  The cover will indicate that there is obviously an erotic side to the mysteries involved when a man goes home to settle his late mother's affairs.  This one was definately a great watch and Selma Hayek is beautiful as ever.

Interest Range: Drama


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