Thats My Boy Blu-Ray Review

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Thats My Boy Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: While still in his teens, Donny (Adam Sandler) fathered a son, Todd (Andy Samberg), and raised him as a single parent up until Todd's 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd's world comes crashing down on the eve of his wedding when an uninvited Donny suddenly shows up. Trying desperately to reconnect with his son, Donny is now forced to deal with the repercussions of his bad parenting skills.

Review: Adam Sandler is a comedic legend.   The hard part about being a legend is that eventually what was edgy and what was so funny before eventually becomes stale and you can become a satire of yourself very quickly, which is what has been happening to Sandler.  In That's My Boy Sandler finally manages to give himself a re-birth with younger comedian Andy Samberg (SNL, The Narnia Rap) in a raunchy and hilarious comedy.  This one is a laugh riot all the way through and will appeal to anyone with a dirty sense of humor (like us!)  We loved it.

Interest Range: Comedy


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