The Tall Man Blu-Ray Review

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The Tall Man Blu-Ray Review

Synopsis: In an isolated, slowly dying mining town, children are vanishing without a trace – abducted, the townsfolk whisper, by a mysterious entity known locally as "The Tall Man." Town nurse Julia Denning (Jessica Biel, Total Recall, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) seems skeptical...until her young David disappears in the middle of night. Frantic to rescue the boy, Julia lives every parent's darkest nightmare in this twisting, shock-around-each-corner thriller from acclaimed director Pascal Laugier (Martyrs).

Review: Jessica Biel is a fantastic actress, but we thought we'd seen everything we were going to see from her.  The Tall Man gives us a whole new dimension to her range as an actress.  The first thing I'm going to tell you is that this film is NOT what you expect.  If you're looking for a horror film..keep looking.  This is a social commentary/drama with a twist ending that is so left field and so bizarre that it leaves you reeling.  If you find movies to be too predictable, then give this one a try and you will be pleasantly surprised.  We definately recommend this film.

The special features include: Trailer, Deleted Scene and Visual Concepts

Interest Range:Thriller, Drama


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