The Christmas Pageant DVD Review

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The Christmas Pageant DVD Review

Synopsis: Vera Parks (Gilbert), an overly intense and demanding Broadway director gets fired from yet another job, leaving her no choice but to take a gig directing a small town Christmas pageant . Stunned at how basic the production is, Vera attempts to back out, but is convinced by some of the locals to give their town a chance. When Vera discovers her former fiancé Jack (Mailhouse) recommended her for the job, she is outraged. But over time Vera grows close to both Jack and his young daughter (Wynn).

Review: The Christmas Pageant is a very family friendly and heartwarming Xmas tale about a woman who comes to a small town to produce their pageant as a last resort in her life, only to find love and joy with a man and his daughter.  We definately recommend this one for the holidays.

Interest Range: Family, Holiday


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